Cervical Smears
Maynooth Medical participates in the Cervical Check programme. Smears are free for eligible women aged 25 to 60.
Please visit www.cervicalcheck.ie to see if you are eligible or to check when your next smear is due.
Checklist before coming for a booked smear
- Please bring your letter from cervical check with you to your appointment.
- If you have misplaced your letter you can bring your Cervical screening programme ID (CSPID) number with you. This can be attained by going to www.cervicalcheck.ie and clicking on “When is my next cervical screening test due”. You will then need to enter your PPS number and date of birth.
- If you haven’t received a letter from cervical check, as above, you can check when your next smear is due on www.cervicalcheck.ie.
- If you aren’t due a smear test but would like one done, you can book this with us privately, the cost is 150 Euros.
- It’s best to book an appointment for when you are not on your period also try to avoid the 2 days before and after you bleed.
- Due to time limitations the doctor won’t be able to deal with any other issues during the smear appointment – please make a separate appointment for any other medical issues.
- Please wear a face mask.
- If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath change in taste or smell), if anyone in your household is awaiting a Covid swab result or if you have returned from abroad in the 2 weeks prior to your appointment date please reschedule your appointment.
- See www.cervicalcheck.ie for any further information about your smear test.