STI Screening
We provide full Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening.
A complete STI screen involves having a blood test and either a urine test or swab and and can be done in just one visit on Tuesdays (all day) or on Wednesday mornings. The results can be texted in confidence to your mobile phone. Please contact reception to arrange an appointment.
Collecting a urine sample for STI testing
- When to collect a sample – The ideal time is first thing in the morning collect the first 10-20 mls of urine passed into the container (approximately 1/3 of the container). Alternatively the sample can be collected during the day as long as you wait at least 2 hours after you last passed urine.
- How to collect the sample – You need to collect the first part of your urine stream only – NOT the whole lot. Begin passing urine into the jar and then take the jar away from the flow after you have about a finger width in the bottom of the jar. If you make a mistake then simply empty the jar into your toilet, wait at least another 2 hours and then try again